Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Visit Jesus via Online Perpetual Adoration

Jesus Online!
The miracle of transubstantiation online 24 hours a day!!

I'm not making fun of this. :-) I just think that this is a strange use of technology by the church. I understand broadcasting Sunday Mass for shut-ins or even as a form of what I would call passive evangelization. I am just wondering who goes to savior.org for the online adoration of the sacrament. Is there a guy at his desk who keeps it up there all day? Is there a family gathered around the computer? Hmmm....

Oh wait...I found an explanation their site:

    Saying Goodnight - Our children have quickly adopted a routine of wanting to 'say goodnight to Jesus' on-line. Before they go to bed, they will ask us to bring up the Blessed Sacrament online, then they will say their evening prayers and say 'goodnight' to Jesus as the last act before they climb into bed.

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