Friday, February 28, 2003

Published on Thursday, February 27, 2003 by the Globe & Mail/Canada

So, Bush Wants Civil Disobedience?

The U.S. President is urging Iraqis to rise up against Saddam Hussein. It's time to turn the domestic tables and -- voilà! -- escalate the war against the war

by Naomi Klein

At the Pentagon, they call it the Voilà Moment.

That's when Iraqi soldiers and civilians, with bombs raining down on Baghdad, suddenly scratch their heads and say to themselves: "These bombs aren't really meant to kill me and my family, they are meant to free us from an evil dictator!" At that point, they thank Uncle Sam, lower their weapons, abandon their posts, and rise up against Saddam Hussein. Voilà!

Or at least that's how it is supposed to work, according to the experts in "psychological operations" who are already waging a fierce information war in Iraq. The Voilà Moment made its first foray into the language of war last Monday, when a New York Times reporter quoted an unnamed senior U.S. military official using the term.
(read more)

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