Friday, November 12, 2004

Specter must go

...according to the Evangelical Christians.

Last week Pennsylvania's senior Senator Arlen Specter who is in line to head the Senate Judiciary Committee warned Bush about appointing people who are pro-life to fill judicial vacancies. Well, ever since, the extreme christian right has been on a crusade to stop Specter.

From NPR's All Things Considered:
"We would like to see him gone. We don't believe that Arlen Specter represents what the president stands for, we don't believe that Arlen Specter represents what the Senate leadership stands for, particularly on the abortion issue. Arlen Specter is a man who's time has gone, and he ought to go too." -- Tom Minnery, Vice President of Public Policy for Focus on the Family

So the Evangelical Christians, who are responsible for giving Bush a second term, want to get their religious beliefs passed through Congress and they don't want a MODERATE Jew from a blue state slowing them down. They're even having a "Pro-Life Pray-In" to stop Specter. They make the guy sound like Ted Kennedy.

It's really sad when there is no place in the Republican party for moderates. The GOP better start to take their party back from the bible thumpers before it self destructs. On second thought, maybe that wouldn't be so bad.

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