Tuesday, November 16, 2004

The "far left" (me) responds

This is from a certain Bush-mo-tized blogger:
Where is the outcry from the far left? Where are the feminists? Where are the bloggers who were obsessed with what happened at Abu Ghraib? Why are they silent when civilian contractors are burned and hung from brides, when civilians are kidnapped and have their heads sawed off, when mass graves containing men, women, children and babies are discovered, when innocent school children, parents and teachers are tortured, raped and murdered in Beslan, Russia? Far left liberals would rather bitch and cry about the humiliation of men in panties or the justified killing of insurgents (terrorists!) who fire upon our troops and would kill us if given the chance.

This is my response:
  1. Civilian contractors (mercenaries!) should not be in Iraq.

  2. The US military should not be in Iraq. Therefore every US and British military death, every civilian death (Iraqi and otherwise), and the destruction of Iraq could have been avoided.

  3. The humiliation and torture of prisoners of war is a war crime perpetrated in the name of the people of the United States.

  4. It is illegal under the Geneva Convention to kill a wounded person. Period.

  5. While the Beslan school massacre was horrible and disturbing, it was not done in my name.

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