Friday, September 17, 2004

My sojourn to the Midwest

I spent my day driving to the Midwest. Five hours of my nine hour trip I was trekking accross the cold reainy Buckeye State. If bumper stickers are any indication I'd say that Ohio is pretty evenly split between Kerry and Bush. Ohio might even be first in bumper stickers per capita.

Two cars with bumper stickers stuck out. One was a lemon curd yellow '80s model Buick with the trunk tied shut. It was driven by a guy who sort of looked like Jerry Garcia and was sporting a big blue bumper sticker that read "Dennis J Kucinich". I thought that one was fitting.

The other was an early '90s Chevy Cavalier driven by a man in his late 20s. The car was dented and rusting and apparently the defrost did not work because all of the windows were fogged. This guy had three Bush/Cheney stickers on the back of it. I was trying to thnk why this guy might be a Bush supporter. Does he support Bush's tax policies? Does he think that Dubya was chosen by "The Almighty"? I kind of hope it's the latter, I'd have an easier time accepting that. But I have a feeling that it is the former. Even though he will probably never earn enough to benefit from Bush tax cuts. But then he is probably one of those guys who doesn't want to work overtime for $12/hour instead of his normal $8/hour because "they take out too much in taxes". I have never understood that.

I also listened to Rush Limbaugh for three hours today. That is the first time in years that I've listened to him. He's not as funny as he used to be.

    Some other observations:
  • Is Ohio the only state that does not have a rectangular flag?

  • Why do old guys on Harleys insist on riding on the middle line?

  • Do all fast food restaurants in Ohio have signs on their doors asking patrons not to bring firearms inside? If the sign wasn't there would Ohioans assume that it is acceptable to have a gun in a restaurant?

  • I saw the Weinermobile on the interstate. It's not as big as I thougt it was.

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