Tuesday, September 14, 2004

John Kerry: terrorist-loving baby killer

I think that our friends on the right secretly like looking at pictures of dead babies and children. Why else would they keep linking to pictures of them?

From our old pal Donna:

Where's your outrage libs?

Pupils tell of siege hell
And the left refers to these EVIL terrorists as freedom fighters? This is unconscionable! Then there's John Kerry who says we should have a "sensitive war on terror"! Are these "EVIL THINGS" sensitive to the innocent when they rape and murder young girls and bayonet a six-year-old boy in the throat because he dares to ask for water? How would John Kerry feel if his two daughters were among the raped, tortured and mutilated? Do you really think we can negotiate with terrorists? Why would you want to?!

"And the left refers to these EVIL terrorists as freedom fighters?"


It was the REAGAN Administration who sold arms to Iran to fund "freedom fighters" in Nicaragua. Those "freedom fighters" who became a CIA-trained army of terror and killed tens of thousands of people.

It was the REAGAN Administration who funded and trained those "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan (including Osama bin Laden).

The US Army runs the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation training camp. The former School of the Americas has trained many terrorists.

"Then there's John Kerry who says we should have a 'sensitive war on terror'!"

Kerry actually said, "I believe I can fight a more effective, more thoughtful, more strategic, more proactive, more sensitive war on terror that reaches out to other nations and brings them to our side and lives up to American values in history."

Effective? Thoughtful? Strateg(er)ic? Proactive? Hmmm?

I wanted to comment on the post directly but comments are not open on it. From past experience they would have been deleted anyhow. Also from past experience she'll accuse me of harassing her and "Hubby" will leave a comment for me.


Rob said...

But, Gia, she has GOD on her side and we don't. Therefore, she is right and we are wrong.

If you really must visit her she has more lame drivel at http://www.onlyindreams.net. Shortly after I posted here her bravenet site disappeared...oh well.

You might also enjoy Heavy Chevy's encounters with Amy and her pals. Or not. But the post is funny.

Jerry McClellan said...

What is your point in stating that Reagan armed the freedom fighters in Afghanistan or mentioning the WHISC? There is no doubt that they were armed and trained for good reasons, check your history sir, can we say Communism?

Regardless of how they achieved their weapons or training, they are still terrorists and the media doesn't point out this fact but reports that they are merely radicals, extremists and such. This is blatantly disingenuous.

As far as Kerry is concerned, while I would agree that his statement regarding the so called "sensitive war" is highly exaggerated, I don't believe he would be a good leader. He is weak on too many issues, and hasn't taken a real stand on anything. Nor has he presented a clear and concise vision or plan for Iraq, the economy, or anything else for that matter. He truly does come off as a coward, military service or not.

Instead of relying on his military record as a platform, why doesn't he address his senate record and stand on that?

Rob said...

Well, I thought that it was pretty clear but I'll explain.

Donna wrote, "And the left refers to these EVIL terrorists as freedom fighters?" Implying that this is some new term invented by EVIL liberals. I was merely pointing out that the Reagan Administration trained terrorists in Nicaragua and Afghanistan and called them freedom fighters.

While we are on the topic...the CIA mined Nicaragua's harbors in 1984 (under Reagan) and in 1986 the US was found guilty by the World Court of violating international law so Reagan decided that we would no longer recognize the Court. All because of the bogeyman of the time: communism. The US cannot allow another communist goverment in its backyard, nevermind that Ortega was elected by the people of Nicaragua.

As far as the US-run terrorist training camp goes, well, I don't think that EVIL liberals are running that either.

Rob said...

I saw this posted today by our friend:

Sending old men to war I'd go....Would the Army take me at 31-years-young? Would they take me knowing I'm not in ideal physical condition? Could I survive basic training? I lament the fact I never finished my college degree nor got my commission in the Navy as an RN.
Yet, in July when her husband had the chance to go to Iraq they decided not to go.

Brian's unit sent out an e-mail asking for volunteers to go to Iraq. We talked it over and Brian will proudly go if called but he won't be volunteering at this time. At least not until we are settled...either here or in another state. We both support the war, our troops and our President and we knew this was a strong possibility when he signed up. I'm not thrilled at the idea of another family separation but that's what we volunteered for. There is only one person to blame for this and that blame lies with Saddam!Hmmmm.

Jerry McClellan said...

You are kidding Rob and Gia, right? You really believe that the USSR was no threat to freedom? That Russia wasn't attempting to spread communism into the Middle-East and Africa? Just look at Mr. Putin now after the recent attacks on his country, making a huge power grab. As well as the many African nations that are socialist in nature, the oppression that goes on at the hands of their own leaders. Gia, it seems based on what you stated that Communism didn't exist at all! Just a fabricated tool used to control the masses right? Amazing!

You guys really need to be truthful with yourselves and stop allowing your anger to think for you.

Rob said...

Gia and Jasmine live under a socialist regime, so they can actually speak from experience.

Rob said...
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Jerry McClellan said...

Gia, I apologize for mistaking you for someone else, I guess liberal ideology all sounds the same, ya know what I mean?

Anyway...yes I did know that Mr. Blair is a socialist and that the taxes over there are rediculously high. One question, what if, as a citizen there, you do not partake of any of the "benefits" of the state? Do you still have to pay these taxes?

Also, who decides where the money goes and who gets what? Do the people vote for it? Do they vote for their leaders? Can you opt out of paying for these services? Can one choose where his/her money is going?

Just curious.