Sunday, October 31, 2004

The end is near

In less than 60 hours all votes will be cast in the presidential election. With any luck we will know shortly thereafter that we have elected a new President. Then the real work of righting this great ship of state begins.

These last four years and especially these past few months have made me almost a hateful person. I have all but lost faith in the American people. After all that the current administration has done (or failed to do) in the last four years, there is no way that this election should even be close. Yet the polls tell us otherwise.

Shortly aftert 9/11 when Dubya stood with the firefighter and spoke with the bullhorn and when he addresssed Congress I thought that maybe I was wrong about the guy. Nothing would have made me happier than for him to prove it; sadly, in the three years that followed he has only proven that my initial feelings about him being an incompetent tool of evil men were correct. I cannot stand to even listen to Bush any more, I get so enraged.

After the 2000 Florida debacle and subsequent Supreme Court ruling I felt sure that all of those people who were disenfranchised and those who just decided not to vote would make sure that their voices would be heard this time around. We will see shortly if that happens.

I can understand why selfish rich people want to reelect the guy, but most of the people that I see out there at Bush rallies and with Bush/Cheney bumper stickers on their cars are working people. The Jimmy the Cab Driver spot about tax cuts gets it right, most people who work for a living get no benefit from Bush's tax cuts. But just try to tell a Bush supporter that.

So the self-proclaimed uniter has succeeded in polarizing this country and the world. This man who can't think of any mistakes that he has made has the blood of tens of thousands on his hands. His black or white view of things has spread to his followers yet some of us can still see shades of grey.

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