Monday, October 27, 2003

Pastor Fred is at it again...

In a show compassionate conservatism Pastor Fred Phelps, of fame, wants to erect a monument celebrating the murder of Matthew Shepard.

From AP:

    Ten Commandments Debate Draws Anti-Gay Preacher

    Fred Phelps Building $15,000 'Matthew Shepherd In Hell' Monument

    POSTED: 2:25 p.m. MST October 27, 2003

    CASPER, Wyo. -- An anti-gay preacher known for his fiery protests over slain University of Wyoming student Matthew Shepard has thrown a wrench into another emotional issue in Shepard's hometown.

    The city of Casper -- like other communities across the country -- is debating the fate of its Ten Commandments monument, which has sat in the corner of a city park for nearly 40 years.

    The Wisconsin-based Freedom from Religion Foundation last month asked Casper to remove the monument, citing recent legal decisions against similar monuments in Alabama and elsewhere.

    Two weeks later, city officials got another letter, this one from the Rev. Fred Phelps, whose Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas has led protests in Casper and Laramie on the anniversary of Shepard's death since the gay college student was murdered in 1998.
    (read more)

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