Sunday, August 17, 2003

The Tiger Lillies

If you are looking for some different music check out The Tiger Lillies (try this link if the previous link doesn't work). They are an ecclectic trio that is unlike anything else that is happening now. The group includes drummer, acoustic bassist, and accordianist/countertenor vocalist. Their music is hard to describe but polka-punk-caberet-chanson-folk will give you an idea.

They are only playing three dates in the US this year. In October and November they will be in LA, Boston, and New York then back to Europe.

The other thing that I like like about them is that they are totally independent, no record companies involved. Their independently produced CDs are only available at shows and online.

From their website:
    Farmyard Filth contains possibly the most extensive collection of songs dealing with zoophilia in recorded history. Flies, Sheep, Hamsters, German Shepherds, Giraffes, Pigs and Calves, a veritable Noah's ark of beasts are paraded before the listener. Other subjects include amputees, pensioners and transsexuals. You have been warned.

    listen to Hamsters (0:35)

    listen to Roll Up (0:24)

    listen to War (2:11)

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