Tuesday, August 26, 2003

My Afternoon on a Bus

My doctor's office is about two miles away from me, or about a five minute walk and a 10 minute bus ride away. Usually I like to be a few minutes early but the bus only runs once per hour so I would either be an hour early or right on time; I chose the latter.

When I got to the bus stop I saw the bus about two blocks away at the bottom of the hill. It was running right on time. I waited a few seconds and moved out to the curb so the driver could see me. Still the bus was at the same spot. After about five minutes it came up the hill and I boarded.

So now we are running about five minutes late but the doctor is usually farther behind than that, so no big deal. About half a mile later a passenger in a wheelchair wanted off so the driver put the lift out and it got stuck. He tried a few things to get it working with no success so he called for assistance. About twenty minutes later some mechanics showed up and they managed to get the passenger off but the lift would not stow properly. Now an hour behind schedule, a second bus finally showed up to get us.

I walked in to the doctor's office an hour and fifteen minutes late. I explained what happened and they mercifully fit me in.

I was surprised how calm everyone was, especially since it was so hot. Nobody was screaming at the driver. A few passengers even tried to assist. I guess people ride busses don't feel as self-important as some other people.

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