Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Prisoner of the Bush Regime

Jose PadillaJose Padilla, a Brooklyn-born American citizen, has been held in a Navy brig in South Carolina since June 2002. The FBI arrested Padilla at Chicago's O'Hare Airport in May 2002 and he has been held without charges and without access to his attorney, in violation of the 5th and 6th Amendments of the Constitution.

Padilla may be guilty of a crime, he may be a terrorist, he may be a horrible person, but he has the same rights as any other American citizen. If the federal government can do that to him then it can do it to anyone. Attorney General Ashcroft could read this an determine that I am a threat to national security and order that I be held indefinately. Well, there are people who are more deserving than me, but you get my point. They should either charge him with a crime or release him.

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