Friday, September 27, 2002


I have had this conversation with several people. They feel like hypocrites because they believe in a cause or an issue yet they don't follow that belief to an extreme. To me it is not hypocrisy. I think that anything that you do to further that cause is laudable.

If someone believes in organic food because it is better for the environment but cannot find or afford to buy all organic food, it is fine to start with a few items and build on that. For example, at my local grocery store there is a small organic section but most of the items are two to three times the price of the non-organic items, so I get organic milk and vegetables. As more people switch over to a few organic items the more the store sells and the more the store buys from organic farmers and the more food organic farmers produce.

There will always be the people on the fringe who adopt a cause and make it their lifestyle. I applaud them for living what they believe but not everyone can or wants to take things that far. For example, there are people who refuse to use any form of transportation with an internal combustion engine and that is fine if it works for them. But, if you can't go that far why not take public transportation to work or school.

Hypocrites are people that tell everyone else how to live but then don't hold themselves to the same standards. People who tell us how moral they are and then cheat on their wives and lead "immoral" lives behind closed doors.

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