Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Tsunami? What tsunami?

I'm just popping in quickly to make an observation. Then I'll get back to diaper duty.

As I write this the estimated death toll for the Asian Tsunami Disaster has risen above 76,000 and is expected to top 100,000. I thought that I would peruse some of the blogs of our "christian" friends and see what kind of relief efforts were going on and what they had to say about the event in general. Well, apparently they haven't heard about it.

The great leader of the free world originally promised $15 million in aid and then when he was called "stingy" the US announced that it would up the amount to $35 million. Democracy Now! put this in perspective by pointing out that Bush will spend between $30 and $40 million on his inauguration celebration next month and he has spent an average of $228 million per day in Iraq.

Maybe Bush thinks that if he ignores this there will be that many less muslims in world to deal with. But I can't understand why our christian bloggers aren't organizing fund drives for the victims of God's wrath in Asia.

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