Thursday, January 27, 2005

Quote du jour

What is the goal toward which we are heading? The peaceful enjoyment of liberty and equality; the reign of that eternal justice whose laws have been inscribed, not in marble and stone, but in the hearts of all men, even in that of the slave who forgets them and in that of the tyrant who denies them.
-- Robespierre, "On Political Morality", 5 February 1794

That is Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robspierre trying to justify "The Terror".

[W]e have proclaimed that every man and woman on this earth has rights, and dignity, and matchless value, because they bear the image of the Maker of Heaven and earth. Across the generations we have proclaimed the imperative of self-government, because no one is fit to be a master, and no one deserves to be a slave. Advancing these ideals is the mission that created our Nation. It is the honorable achievement of our fathers. Now it is the urgent requirement of our nation's security, and the calling of our time.
George "Dubya" Bush, Second Inaugural Address

Hmmmmm...*scartches chin*

That is George Walker Bush trying to justify...

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